About CBE
The Center for Beef Excellence is a non-profit organization and was originally established in 2008 as part of Governor Edward G. Rendell’s Pennsylvania Beef Task Force.
CBE seeks to partner with others in the beef industry to achieve our vision of creating a “vibrant, cohesive Pennsylvania beef industry”.
The mission of CBE is: “To foster collaboration, drive profitability and enhance productivity for Pennsylvania beef
CBE initiatives focus on education, production and management, advisory teams and support to other organizations to strengthen the beef industry across Pennsylvania.
Board of Directors
The Center for Beef Excellence is run by a volunteer Board of Directors from across Pennsylvania.
President: Scotty Miller, Lancaster County
Vice President: Bobbi Dunn, Crawford County
Secretary: Ezra Swope, Bedford County
Treasurer: Gavin Howe, Centre County
Bryan Dean, Lawrence County
Dr. Laurie Joseph, Westmoreland County
Scott Rhoads, Somerset County
Rick Wise, Jefferson County
Adam Zurin, Lancaster County
Ex-Officio Members:
Nichole Hockenberry, PA Beef Council Representative
Ben Williamson, Penn State University
Russell Redding, PA Secretary of Agriculture
Greg Hostetter, Executive Deputy Secretary, PA Department of Agriculture
Gavin Howe, Adam Zurin, Scotty Miller, Ezra Swope, Scott Rhoads, Special Guest-former PA Secretary of Agriculture Sam Hayes, Bobbi Dunn, Executive Secretary Michelle Kirk, Dr. Laurie Joseph